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Tommy Dickfingers 12:22 Mon Mar 30
Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Had the misfortune of recently being assigned a line manager who is doing my fucking swede in

Week into the job and he has started insisting we arrive 15 mins early and leave 15 mins late, he stinks the fucking place out with egg sarnies he brings to work and yours truly just happens to sit nearest to the bogs where the mucky fat cunt regularly empties his arsehole

I can just about stomach all that but to top it all off....Spurs

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Nicey 6:25 Sat Apr 4
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Both Allardyce and Nolan post on WHO and have both posted on this thread.

KingandPaynter 5:46 Sat Apr 4
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
High Holborn main post office in the early 80's - an office with old hag shouting orders from her desk to the young staff serving the public.

Three times a day "TEA SOMEBODY" meaning one of us had to switch off our light and go to make three teas for her and two old moaners in her office. It all ended when we dosed their tea with fart powder one afternoon. The noise coming out of their office was like a Monty Python sketch. There's always a way to make them pay for being c**ts without being obvious. Find their home address and flood them with nonsense mail, catalogues, everything.

ippyhammer 4:11 Sat Apr 4
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Just have to leave a temp job last week. Had a little know it all, no respect for anyone comis chef.totally fucked up a dish I was doing so I told him to put it right.... he refused so I stuck his face in it. Hate these kids who give it large then cry to the boss when someone gives them what they deserve.

Dapablo 3:11 Sat Apr 4
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Fucking "Blakeys" everywhere their sole purpose is to feed the ego of their superiors by finding faults with there own workers.

Instead of finding positives within the organisation to focus on and encourage they are required to find faults to criticise over, whilst at the same time promoting the lie of "communication and teamwork", because they are told this is what they are achieving they believe it even though it is contrary to any impartial observation.

Leatherhead Hammer 3:02 Sat Apr 4
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
I would say one of my former managers qualifies as a cunt. When I first saw this thread I googled the phrase "do you work with a psychopath" The links to the site that I visited is below


When I read that, I thought "fucks me that's him"

stomper 1:16 Wed Apr 1
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
I'm teaching a couple right now. I actually find it amazing that after 26 years of teaching I've only really met about half a dozen really bad people.

m11 10:06 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Don't work with any but work for some absolute cunts

MrCrowmanSir 9:44 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Line manager?Team? Micro managed, fucking hell, what a load of tosh.

Mad Dog 9:40 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Couple in the past.

Currently i quite like my boss and people in my team

franksfat&slow&wank 8:47 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Steal a car a run the cunt over

Mirkwood 8:44 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Tommy I feel your pain,

We had a great GM for years who was recently moved sideways....

Ended up with a total nightmare manager. Sounds like the Sicilian guy below TBH.

Only good thing to come out of it is my old boss has offered me job in his new team.

Counting down the days now...

eric5bellies 3:38 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Na, Cuntio ! I remember me grandad telling me what spineless lot they are after he was there during WWII. Sell there own Grandmother to save themselves.

Pancho 3:12 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Was he called Silvio?

eric5bellies 3:10 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
I was micro managed by some Sicilian cunt who I could only describe as a disturbing individual. He would suck the cock of any above him whilst treating those below him like shite, then close off all communication between those below him and above him. Not content with that he would racially abuse people and bully them into submission. Anyways I get "laid off" whilst on holiday with my family and the cunt goes and tells every man and his dog before he had the decency to tell me via a fucking text message.

After8 8:39 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Is that a dig?

Pancho 8:20 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Oh the irony.

After8 8:14 Tue Mar 31
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
I worked with plenty of complete and utter bellends who I cannot stand. They fall into three types.

1. Arse lickers.
2. People with personal problems
3. People with no common sense.

Thankfully I have the ability to have a lot of them shipped out, usually to some poor unsuspecting third party who get a recommendation from me.

Of course this month everyone's on their best behaviour.

bruuuno 7:29 Mon Mar 30
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Everywhere I've worked has had some woman in her fifties who is a right petty cunt. I often wonder if they're always like that or get like it when they reach a certain age

blazehammer 5:42 Mon Mar 30
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Yes. Many.

Hammer and Pickle 3:19 Mon Mar 30
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Yeah, me.

Pancho 2:59 Mon Mar 30
Re: Anyone else here happen to work with an absolute cunt ?
Dickfingers is Milly?

That explains a LOT...

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